Tuesday, March 12, 2013


    You know sometimes its hard to believe that God really has good things in store for us. For years I had no problem believing that He wanted to bless others abundantly--but when it came to God's heart for me I somehow thought a different standard applied. Why should God bless me? Why wouldn't He look at my life and consider me a disappointment (I did)?  Why wouldn't He reject me as I knew He saw the brokenness in my life. I knew God could clearly see what dwelt beneath the mask of 'having it all together' that I worked so hard to project. But God does love us, not in spite of our frailty and brokenness but because of it. God loves to bless those who cry out to Him In their loneliness and brokenness. He loves to heal our hearts and transform us into the people He created us to be. He wants to draw us closer to Him and give us the deepest desires of our hearts (but first wake our hearts up so we can fully experience the relationship with Him that we were created to.

 Jer 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to bring you hope and a future."

1 comment:

  1. So many things that you have written, I so resonate with. I went through a very public divorce (ex had affair with woman from our church) I have always been a writer, but my journal writings became more of love letters from Christ. The past seven years have been challenging, but awakening and God has shown me who I am through him. I, as you, have also had no trouble believing for great things for other people, but where I was concerned, I wasn't so sure. It is amazing how God reveals the lies that you have believed over the years and gives you new hope and new life in Yeshua--MY MESSIAH! I pray Brian, that you will continue to know who you are and that God gives you the desires of your heart this year!! You have inspired me through this blog. Please continue to post. I really am not "stalking" you, LOL!, but just have enjoyed reading TRUTH!! Have a blessed day!! Lynette


"It's easy to be a "Christian" when life is good. The real sign of a person's relationship with Jesus is who they are when things are hard and it seems like life is falling apart." ~Brian