Monday, March 4, 2013



Recently, I was able to finally sell my supercharged Z06 corvette. 

Didn't make any money--but I was able to pay off that loan which was awesome. I still have a lot of residual debt from Havilah's Boutique (a business I owned) to pay off. Yet, it feels good that I have started paying down on this massive debt and lowering my overhead. It's kinda weird though that when I was a married guy I drove around in a "torch red" sports car. Now that I'm a single guy; I'm driving an older Civic. It is red though so, so I guess that's a plus?  

I was thinking it was kinda interesting how important that car was to me a few years ago. My identity was almost tied into having that bright red supercharged sports car. Now its not bad to own a cool sports car (considering the fact that my business specializes in modifying and tricking out nice cars). What is out of balance though is when our identity is connected to material possessions  If you find yourself "needing" to get that expensive watch, exotic sports car, name brand clothing, etc, you might be looking to the wrong source for your identity. Our lives are fleeting and it's important to "invest" our lives in things that are eternal, like walking in intimacy with our God AND serving those people around us. Investing in walking with God and serving people leaves a lasting legacy. Nobody will remember that cool car that you owned or that huge house either. what they will remember is that person that helped them or prayed with them when they were in need. I recently read a post by actor Tyler Perry about how someone helped him out years ago when he was homeless and living on the streets. That person 'helped' out of a desire to please God and never expected anything in return. Years later (as a successful actor and producer) Tyler Perry found that person and was able to both thank them for the part they played in helping him years earlier as well as he was able to turn around and help them now at a time when they were in need. That is the way that God designed us to operate. 

The next time you notice when the waitress that is serving you or the cashier at a store you patronize, happens to look downcast; ask them if you can help. It's amazing how disarming it is when a stranger notices their pain and asks if you would like them to pray for you. My pastor (Randy) makes that a regular practice and its amazing how many people respond. The next time you see a neighbor that had their water shut off because they couldn't pay the bill--pay it if you're able. You could permanently impact someones life by something simple like a gift when someone is in need. For those of us that consider ourselves "Christ followers" that is how scripture states we will be known: by our love for one another. Trust me, its much more rewarding than a cool red sports car. 
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” - (John 13:35)

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"It's easy to be a "Christian" when life is good. The real sign of a person's relationship with Jesus is who they are when things are hard and it seems like life is falling apart." ~Brian