Monday, February 18, 2013

"Without A Battle There Can Be No Victory!"

[Brian’s thoughts of the day: Dec. 20th]

     Speaking with my mom at breakfast this morning--she told me a line from a recent Christian song that impacted her. It said; "Without the battle there is no victory."  Really interesting concept isn't it? Often people try their best to run away from battles, conflict and hardships. We avoid problems and pain and try to stay at that place of comfortable security. When we directly address and face hardships and pain it gives us the ability to see God's faithfulness at work in our lives.
     I was talking to a friend of mine about an experience that I went through 14 years ago. I had started a business that failed miserably and left me hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. The easy way out (in my eyes) would have been to declare bankruptcy. Instead of filing however, I assumed personal responsibility for the corporate debt. I felt like that was the honorable thing to do. Over the next seven years; although my family and I went through a lot of hardship,we all learned to trust God for His Supply. I got to see God's Hand at work in my life like I never did when things had been going well. 

"Without a battle there can be no victory!"

Daneille Snowden [Blog Editor]: Brian and I are friends from our high school youth group and had recently reconnected on facebook. Also, I was there when he first accepted Christ in 1982 at a Keith Green concert. I have been following his Facebook posts on his journey back into intimacy with God and offered to share them on a blog.

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"It's easy to be a "Christian" when life is good. The real sign of a person's relationship with Jesus is who they are when things are hard and it seems like life is falling apart." ~Brian