Thursday, April 10, 2014

Another school tragedy.

22 kids were attacked and stabbed at a high school by a 16 year old student today. The problem behind this was not the knife--nor could it have been resolved by instituting a ban on knives. The problem is with the heart of our society. We've taken all mention of God out of our school systems and out of much of our culture. Many kids have to suffer through divorce in the family and are often abandoned emotionally by one or both of their parents. Alcohol and drugs saturate our nation offering an easy way for kids to medicate to avoid dealing with the pain of life. We now live in a culture where there are no moral absolutes and where kids have no boundaries to keep them safe. And despite these things we ignorantly wonder why these school attacks keep happening and what is wrong with the younger generation. Kids are desperately looking for meaning in life. We were created for a relationship with our loving Heavenly Father. Jesus taught that the  true meaning of life is to "love The Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength and to also love our neighbor as ourself." When kids start learning this truth the anger and hopelessness that many of them feel will be replaced with the peace that comes with knowing their identity as beloved children of a loving Heavenly Father.  I'm in no way advocating teaching Christianity in the public school systems. The fact that even the acknowledgement of God has been slowly removed from our country is troubling though. So many people seek fulfillment and identity through wealth, fame, accomplishment, sex, relationships, etc. We were created for intimacy with God however.  Trying to find true fulfillment apart from that is a very frustrating, futile and empty endeavor.


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"It's easy to be a "Christian" when life is good. The real sign of a person's relationship with Jesus is who they are when things are hard and it seems like life is falling apart." ~Brian